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Safety Harness Systems

At Evolution Height Safety, we offer a comprehensive range of Safety Harness Systems and equipment designed to keep workers safe while working at height. Our range includes:

Types of Fall Arrest Systems

General Fall Arrest Systems: General fall arrest systems are designed to protect workers from falls in situations where there is a risk of falling from a height. These systems are typically used in areas where there is a potential for multiple workers to be exposed to the same fall hazard. General fall arrest systems may include:

Catch Platforms:

These systems are designed to catch a worker in the event of a fall. They are often used in areas where it is not possible to use other fall protection systems.

Safety Nets:

Safety nets are designed to catch a worker in the event of a fall. They are often used in areas where it is not possible to use other fall protection systems.

Personal Fall Arrest Systems: Personal fall arrest systems are designed to protect individual workers from falls in situations where there is a risk of falling from a height. These systems are typically used when working at height and can include:


A fall arrest harness is a full-body harness that is worn by a worker and is designed to protect them in the event of a fall.


A lanyard is a piece of equipment that connects a worker's harness to an anchor point. Lanyards are available in a variety of lengths and can be fitted with shock-absorbing mechanisms to reduce the force of impact in the event of a fall.

Self-Retracting Lifelines:

Self-retracting lifelines are designed to automatically retract if a worker falls. They are typically used in situations where a worker needs to move around freely but is still at risk of falling.

Anchorage Points:

Anchorage points are where the personal fall arrest system is attached to the structure or equipment being worked on. Anchorage points must be capable of supporting the weight of the worker and the force generated in the event of a fall.

Components of a Fall Arrest System

Each personal fall arrest system should include the following components:
•              Body harness: This is the primary piece of equipment that the worker wears to prevent injury in the event of a fall.
•              Lanyard: This connects the body harness to the anchorage point, preventing the worker from falling more than a certain distance.
•              Lifeline: This is the cable that the worker attaches to the anchorage point.
•              Connector: This joins the lanyard to the body harness.
•              Anchorage point: This is the secure point to which the lifeline is attached.

Fall Arrest System Regulations

It's important to follow regulations and guidelines to ensure that fall arrest systems are used effectively and safely:

•              Maximum arresting force: The limit for the maximum arresting force on a worker is 1,800 pounds when using a body harness.
•              Maximum free fall distance: Fall arrest systems should be rigged so that a worker cannot free fall more than 6 feet (4 in CA) or contact any lower level.
•              Deceleration device limit: The deceleration devices used must not exceed 3.5 feet.

In conclusion, safety harness systems are essential for working at height, where fall hazards are a risk. At Evolution Height Safety, we offer a range of safety harness systems and equipment designed to keep workers safe, including personal fall arrest systems with a range of specialized equipment, components to ensure safety, and regulations to follow. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help keep your workers safe.

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